Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to Set Up a Standards Based Classroom

I wanted to give you a few highlights of the great work Frank Franz has done (and very briefly posted on a few days ago) in the last year as he really is doing what so many people discuss, but few do - that is set up a standards based classroom.   He has written a short tutorial on how he did it last year and how you can as well, complete with lots of links.  For example he discussed
  • setting objectives
  • proficiency scoring - which he based on formative tests.  
  • summative tests 
  • re-takes of summative tests which are only given on the portion of the objective that was not proficient and were not given unless students could show proficiency in a topic
  • what goes into the gradebook (hint - only summative which he explains)

1 comment:

Dmitry Kogan said...

Thank you for posting this. I plan to create implement a standards-based grading system in my AP Government/Government class.

I really like your Congress Results Sheets example and SCA.

How often do allow for SCA days in your classroom? I love the idea, but with AP Government and more importantly AP US History, reteach days and time is limited as we have to move on with the content.